The annual Liberation Day Celebration, in observance of Black History Month, will be held on February 24, 2019. The theme is “Black Migration”. You can look forward to enjoying special music presented by the Music Department and powerful sermons by Pastor Freeman.
Traditionally, the congregation is dressed in clothing much like what might have been worn by our Grandparents and other ancestors, if you feel comfortable in doing so. Each Auxiliary is asked to decorate at least two tables with something that reflects our heritage. The colors are red, black and green. Others may put up appropriate displays related to Black History.
The traditional “Soul Food” meal will follow 11:00 A.M. worship. There will be entertainment by a Special Guest. Representatives from Sunday School and Discipleship Training will be requesting donations of desserts from the membership.
Join us in this time of praise and thanksgiving, as we “Look where the Lord has brought us”.